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Scientific Program

Friday 4th September, 2020

Chair: Rosa Becerra

8:30/15:30 (15+5) Felipe Ventura Vargas                        Survival of the fittest: Numerical modeling of the "Chameleon" Supernova 2014c

                      We have made a relativistic hydrodynamic simulation of the SN 2014c. First we made a small scale simulation evolving a star pre-explosion with low H and He with 25 solar masses, since SN 2014c was first classified as a Type I. The shock-wave starts interacting with a normal stellar wind and after a while interacts with a much denser medium. The simulations were in 1D considering spherical symmetry. We reach a good fit model of its observational data through genetic algorithms (GA). Emission does not fit synchrotron radiation, but does indeed fit with Bremsstrahlung emission for a shock-wave colliding with an outer shell. We apply the GA that randomly mutated the parameters of the large-scale simulation and selected the fittest relates the observed data. After the system evolved we arrived to an optimized solution where we had clumsy shell that followed an outburst density profile. The simulation together with observational data indicates that classification of SNe in general depends on from where and when you observed it.

8:50/15:50 (15+5) Diego González                              Measurement of the quasar accretion disk size PKS0558-504 from the reverberation lags.


                        We present a new analysis of the accretion disc study of the AGN-Seyfert-1 PKS0558-504 through the RM photometry method, which was carried out by means of lag time measurements using different codes to multi-wavelength photometric monitoring was performed with the Swift space telescope between September 2008 and March 2010. We find that the lags have a closely monotonic trend with small lags at short wavelengths and large lags at long wavelengths. These trends are consistent with the predictions for the reprocessing disc model following the τ∝λ4/3 relation, finding a considerably large disc radius of∼2.32±0.3lt−day between X-ray data and V-band

9:10/16:10 COFFEE BREAK

9:25/16:25 (5+5) Alejandro González                                                  Supernova energy loss rates beyond the standard model

                             The dipole moments of neutrino lead to important astrophysical and cosmological effects. Within the context of a U(1)B_L model, I present novel analytical formulas to assess the effects of the anomalous magnetic moment and electric dipole moment of the neutrino on the stellar energy loss rates through some common physical process of pair annihilation electron-positron.

9:35/16:35 (10+5) Gibrán Morales                                        Neutrino propagation in winds around the central engine of sGRB

                            Since neutrinos are able to escape from dense regions without being deflected, they are promising candidates to study the unexplored physics at the sources that produce them. In particular, current detectors can reconstruct, among other things, trajectory, energy, and flavor compositions of incident neutrinos which are essential for this purpose. We centralize our study in those produced by thermal processes in short gamma ray bursts (sGRB) and their interactions within the anisotropic medium that surround the central engine. On the one hand, we consider baryonic winds produced with a strong magnetic contribution and on the other hand, we treat only neutrino-driven winds. First, we obtained the neutrino effective potential considering both baryonic density profiles around the central engine. Then, we got the three-flavor oscillation probabilities in this medium to finally calculate the expected neutrino ratios. We found a stronger angular dependence on the expected neutrino ratios, which, incidentally, contrast from the expected theoretical ratios without considering the additional contribution of the winds. The joint analysis of this observable together with the sGRB ejected jet angle could lead to a compelling mechanism to discriminate between the involved merger progenitors (black hole-neutron star or neutron star-neutron star).

9:50/16:50 COFFEE BREAK

10:05/17:05 DISCUSSION



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